Archive for the ‘Haircare’ Category

Another Whey

Little Miss Muffet,

Sat on a tuffet,

Eating her curds and whey;

Along came a spider,

Who sat down beside her,

And frightened Miss Muffet away.

-Mother Goose

Yes, we all know it. That rhyme. Said in every preschool around the country. That damn Miss Muffet eating her curds and whey. Maybe if she wasn’t so busy eating her curds and whey she would’ve seen the spider coming! Alas, we all know that’s impossible. Curds are just too darn tasty! (I know I’ve gotten lost in their creamy deliciousness!)

So why whey? Well, the first few times I made ricotta, I, without thinking, dumped the liquid down the drain! Then, I realized – OH NO THAT’S PRECIOUS! Waste not, want not. I knew there were uses for whey, but I had to look them up.

First thing you need to know: two kinds of way, sour (or acid) whey, and sweet whey. Acid whey comes from cheeses where you use an acid (like vinegar or lemon) to acidify the milk causing it to curdle (that’s how we make ricotta, hence we have acid/sour whey). Sweet whey comes from cheeses where bacterial cultures are used and the whey has been drained at a specific pH (5.2 or above). Sweet whey comes from the production of all hard cheeses (like cheddar), yogurt cheese, and most soft cheeses. We all know whey has lots of protein (HELLOOO, WHEY PROTEIN), but it also has vitamins, minerals, and beneficial bacteria that aid in digestion!

Logically, two different kinds of whey also means different uses.

Acid Whey Uses

  • Pour on acid-loving plants (like those tomatoes in your garden or roses in your flower bed!) or soil that is too alkaline.
  • People make lemonade and substitute some of the water with whey.
  • Add to seasonings and use as marinade for meat, the enzymes help break down the meat and add flavor.
  • Add a few tablespoons of it to the soaking water of your beans
  • Feed it to your chickens!
  • Cook your oatmeal, rice, or polenta in it.
  • Add some honey or sugar, and ice it for a cold refreshing beverage.
  • Add to soups, stews, any dishes that may need stock or broth. I made a killer sautéed kale dish with some acid whey last week.

Sweet Whey Uses – can be used in all of the above ways in addition to the ones below

  • Lots of folks substitute water in baking recipes with whey. Some say it makes the bread rise faster and brown quicker. You can also substitute it for buttermilk in any recipe, like pancakes, scones, etc.
  • Freeze into cubes and add to smoothies for some extra proteins, vitamins, and minerals! No need to water those smoothies down with ice cubes.
  • Soak your grains in it. Some say it can make grains more digestible.


Whey for Hair and Skin (courtesy of

Use it as a hair product! Because all-natural skin and haircare is another interest/hobby of mine I tried this RIGHT AWAY (I’m always putting food in my hair, my family thinks I’m crazy!). I used it as a conditioning rinse in the shower after shampooing my hair and true to the word – my hair was soft and bouncy! I did learn one thing though. When you’re showering the water is warm, and my whey had been in the refrigerator. When I dumped it on my head it was SO COLD. So be mindful of that and take some steps to bring it to at least room temp before showering.

Whey nourishes, strengthens, and softens your hair. The slightly acidic whey can improve the health of your scalp. For a whey rinse, shampoo your hair, pour whey thoroughly through hair and leave it in for about 5 to 15 minutes. Gently rinse.

For deep conditioning, wet clean hair with the whey, combing through to distribute evenly and then let hair dry naturally. Rinse with warm water, dry and style.

Some have used it as a styling gel or mousse. Spray or comb whey through hair and style as usual.

According to Everything Goat Milk, “The whey adds great texture and body to hair, and is especially useful for fine or limp hair, because it doesn’t weigh it down like many hair products. Just be sure to keep separating the hairs as you dry, or the hair will tend to clump together, just like gel or mousse would do.Whey is the best heat and humidity-resistant hair styling product I’ve used. Even in our record-breaking heat index of over 110 degrees F, the whey held my hair without collapsing. And, of course, you’re getting the benefit of all that protein for your hair, too!”

Use it for skin care! Whey is a very gentle cleanser, toner, and moisturizer. There are commercial skincare products that use whey because of its benefits. Whey is also slightly anti-microbial, some say it’s helped their acne.

Whey toner – dampen cotton ball or pad with whey and smooth over face. You can steep some herbs like peppermint or chamomile in the whey for some added skin nutrition.

Whey bath – add 1 to 2 cups of whey to a tub of water and soak for 10-20 minutes. The acidity level of whey helps restore the pH of the skin and the proteins rejuvenate skin cells.

So those are the ways to use whey! I hope you found that informative and let me know in the comments if you try any of these suggestions! I love getting reader comments and feedback, especially if you’ve had great success or failure with something. Tomorrow I’m making a creation of my own!

Good night and sweet meats,
